

Revised Policy for the issuance of Temporary Residence and Employment Permits to third country nationals employed in companies of foreign interests operating in Cyprus 


Issuing of temporary Residence and Employment Permits in Cyprus for third country nationals with minimum acceptable gross monthly salary of €2.500, provided that the following conditions are met: 


? Possession of a university diploma or title or equivalent qualification or certificates of relevant experience in a corresponding employment position lasting at least 2 years. 


? Presentation of an employment contract of not less than two years. 提供不少于2年期的雇佣合同 Employment of support staff (with gross monthly salary less than €2.500) 聘用支持人员(月薪总额低于2500欧元) In addition, the employment of third-country nationals is permitted provided that it does not exceed 30% of all support staff and provided that the third-country national and the employer have entered into an employment contract duly approved by the relevant authority in accordance with the applicable law. 

另外,允许雇佣第三国国民,但招聘比例不得超过所有支持人员的30%,且第三国国民与雇主已根据适 用法律签订经有关当局正式批准的雇佣合同。 

Duration of residence and employment permits 


The permits will be issued immediately within 1 month and will last up to 3 years. 



The right to family reunification of third-country nationals who are part of the third-country employment policy 


Direct and free access to the labor market as paid employees to the spouses of those obtained a residence and or work permit in the Republic, and who receive a minimum gross monthly salary of €2.500 (not applicable for support staff). 

在塞浦路斯共和国获居留和或工作许可的,每月最低总收入为2500欧元的受薪雇 员(不适用支持人员)的配偶,可以直接自由进入劳动市场 

Simplify and speed up the process of granting work permits (CATEGORY E - Long-Term Resident Status) 


The right to family reunification of third-country nationals who are part of the third-country employment policy 


Direct and free access to the labor market as paid employees to the spouses of those obtained a residence and or work permit in the Republic, and who receive a minimum gross monthly salary of €2.500 (not applicable for support staff). 

在塞浦路斯共和国获居留和或工作许可的,每月最低总收入为2500欧元的受薪雇 员(不适用支持人员)的配偶,可以直接自由进入劳动市场 

Simplify and speed up the process of granting work permits (CATEGORY E - Long-Term Resident Status) 


三、Introduction of DIGITAL NOMAD VISA 数字游民签证介绍

Beneficiaries 受益人 

Third country nationals self-employed or employees who work remotely using information and communication technologies, with employers / clients outside Cyprus. 


Residence status 居留权情况 

i. They have the right to stay in the country for up to one year, with the right to renew for another two years. 他们有权在塞浦路斯居留最多一年,且有权续签两年。 

ii. They can be accompanied by their family members, to whom, upon request, a residence permit is granted. 允许家庭成员的陪同,根据要求发放其家庭成员的居住证 

iii. If they live in the Republic for one or more periods that in total exceed 183 days within the same tax year then they are considered tax residents of Cyprus meaning they are not tax residents in any other State. 如果在同一纳税年度内,在塞浦路斯共和国一次或多次停留共计超过183天的,将被视为塞浦路斯纳税居民,且意味着其 不是其他国家的纳税居民。 


Evidence that he has sufficient resources, at a fixed income level, to cover his / her living expenses during his / her stay in the country, without burdening the national social welfare system. The amount of sufficient resources is set at €3.500per month and it can be supported: 证明其有足够的财力,可用其固定收入支付他/她在塞国停留期间的生活费用,不会给塞国社会福利系统带来负担的。足够的财力金额设定为每月3500欧元,应提供以下证明:

i. from the employment or work contract or proof of employment, in the case of dependent work, services or work or 如果是依赖工作、服务或就业的,提供就业或工作合同或就业证明 

ii. from a bank account. If sufficient resources come from paid employment services, services or work, the above minimum amount refers to net income after payment of the required taxes in the country of employment 银行账户证明。如果资金来源自有偿的就业、服务或工作的,上述足够财力最低数额应为在就业国缴纳所需税费后的净 收入

The above amount is increased by twenty percent (20%) for the spouse or cohabitant and by fifteen percent (15%) for each child. 上述金额对有配偶或同居伴侣的相应增加百分之二十(20%),对有孩子的每人相应增加百分之十五(15%) 

? Medical Insurance ? 医疗保险 

? Clean criminal record certificate from the country of residence ? 居住国出具的无犯罪记录证明

四、Extension of the tax exemption that applies to employees in the Republic 延长适用于塞浦路斯共和国雇员的免税 

Income Tax exemption of 50% to new residents-employees with income of € 55.000 


Existing beneficiaries of the scheme should be able to extend the benefit from 10 to 17 years. Potential beneficiaries with income (€ 55K- € 100K) for the remaining period of 17 years. 

该计划现有的受益人可受惠时间从10年延长至17年。潜在有薪受益人(5.5万-10万欧元)的可享受17 年内的剩余时间。 

Extension of tax exemption for investment in innovative companies 


Consideration of the possibility of extending the tax exemption to 50% for investment in certified innovative companies and by corporate investors. 


Increased tax deduction (compared to the actual one) for research and development expenses 


Granting an increased discount on research and development expenses (e.g. by 20%). Eligible research and development expenses will be deducted from taxable income equal to 120% of the actual. 


五、Application for acquisition of Cypriot citizenship 申请获得塞浦路斯公民身份 

Right to submit an application for naturalization after 5 years of residence and work in the Republic of Cyprus, instead of 7 applicable today, or after 4 years if they meet the criterion of holding a recognized certificate of very good knowledge of the Greek language. 

? 在塞浦路斯共和国居住和工作满5年(而不 是现行适用的7年);或精通希腊语,达到 持有公认的希腊语证书水平的,只需4年, 即有权提交入籍申请






